Sunday, December 7, 2008

Happy Tax Holidays?

When I first heard Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) explain his simple yet genius alternative to the bailouts I knew that it was far too smart to ever become a reality. However, he does pose a good point, politicians rely on their constituents. I defy you to find a person (a tax paying person) with even the slightest knowledge of basic economics that would reject this idea. If people really got behind this idea, and let their representatives know, Washington would listen. Even if begrudgingly, even if they themselves didn't fully back it, re-election is their life blood.

Sadly I feel that this plan will never get off the ground. Washington invariably chooses to avoid any idea with a hint of logic or common sense. Just how logical is Gohmert's plan? In my opinion it boils down to a few simple questions. Who do you trust more with your tax dollars? The career bureaucrats in Washington, or yourself? Do you feel that Washington has exemplified fiscal responsibility over the past decade? Do you feel that the answers to our economic woes can be found in the halls of Congress? Or do you have more faith in the responsibility of the tax payers? We the people are the ones that can get this economy back on track. Giving more hand outs to failing companies and to banks that just hoard the cash doesn't seem like the best idea to me. I trust the American people far more than I trust this give away orgy that is being orchestrated by "King" Paulson. He is absolutely right when he says "let the American people decide who gets bailed out." If they choose to buy an American car with their newly freed funds, then so be it. As consumer confidence builds and spending increases economic troubles will ease. This is far cheaper than the proposed Paulson plan, not to mention a thousand times more logical. Not only is Gohmert's plan more logical than Paulson's but it is more plausible that it would be effective. Throwing money at these problems while increasing the size of an already inept government is definitely not the solution.

I trust the American tax payer to be far more responsible with the funds that are being given away. I trust that the American tax payer can stimulate the economy better than the bureaucrats can. I believe in the power of the American tax payer, and I believe in the powers of free market Capitalism. I know that if the money is put in the hands of we citizens it will produce far better results than any corporate bailout ever could.

I'm Drew D. and that's the truth.

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