Friday, November 14, 2008

Can I Get Bailed Out Too?

Is this the beginning of the end for the American economy and capitalism as we know it? Is it the end of true conservatism in America as we know it? Of coarse I have to think this isn't the case, but a part of me isn't so sure. We are grooming a generation of people to believe that the government should baby sit them from cradle to grave. Entitlements have taken over the American spirit and the American work ethic. Suddenly everything has become a right. When I say everything I really mean everything. It is now considered a right to own a home, a right to get a college education, a right to money that others made. This entitlement get everything for nothing mentality is only the tip of the economic ice burg.
Bailouts, am I the only one that just had a huge question mark in their head when they first heard about this policy? Bailouts? What the hell is a bailout? You live or you die in a free market economy, either way if left alone it equals prosperity. The problem is we are slowly polluting and deconstructing the free market. It first started with the housing giants Fannie and Freddy because "we had to do it." We "had" to do it because the blame was placed squarely on their shoulders. While they surely are to blame for the majority of this quandary, nobody ever thought to blame the people. Those who applied for and accepted loans knowing full well they could never pay them back.
The bailouts of AIG, Freddy and Fannie have truly opened Pandora's box. Soon after this nauseating "rescue" package was constructed everybody came running with their hand out. Every state and many cities in the union began to demand "their share" of the funds. Now this free for all bailout orgy has expanded to the auto industry. We are being told once again that we "have to" bail out these failed auto companies. Let me just stick my neck out here and say HELL NO! Where does it end, if we bail out every single institution and company that faces extinction, where do we draw the line? Fiscal responsibility is something I feel we have completely abandoned as a virtue throughout America and more importantly the government.
We can not afford this people, we truly can not. Some one, some where is going to have to pay this bill and it simply can't be done. So every time a company runs themselves into the ground through poor management and corruption we have to rescue them? This is a slippery slope that we are presented with. Once people see that being "bailed out" has become a viable option the begging will never end.
Why do think that the major proponents of this "bailout" policy are members of the loony left i.e. Palosi, Reed, etc? They advocate this for the reason that many seem to ignore. The convenient little bi-product of these government bail outs is the transfer of ownership. Once these companies accept this charity they virtually sell their souls (ownership.) For those of you who don't know, this is called socialism, the favored system of the left. The biggest condition of these bail outs is the fact that once they go through they have to do exactly what the government wants. This entire policy is so ludicrous I almost don't have words for it. So let's take institutions and companies that have been run into the ground because of the government and give them complete OWNERSHIP of them, this sounds like a good plan. These pseudo-governmental firms like Fannie and Freddy were destroyed because of left wing corruption, so now the government controls them absolutely. The auto companies are failing because of insane trade regulations and "environmentalist" bullying so now we are about to hand the reigns over to the government. This is the equivalent of making the worst employee in your business the boss of it all. Say you owned a restaurant and you had a bus boy that was absolutely awful. He slowed down the service, left the tables dirty, and was stealing from you to boot. So instead of firing him when you come across financial difficulty you decide to step down as owner and hand it all over to the bus boy to help you out of the hole.
This welfare nation that we have created is a beast that's hunger can never be satisfied. Socialism has been sold to people hook line and sinker, and it will be the end of us. Financial responsibility has been tossed out the window by everyone across the board. From the individual citizen that has to buy his own house and pay his own way through school, to the corporations that have destroyed themselves. With this abandonment of responsibility through this adoption of entitlement the American spirit is dying. Democracy will come to an end once people start to exploit the benefits sucked from the public treasury. This welfare mentality will have a snow ball effect as it did in France. People will continue to vote for the person that guarantees them more and more benefits from said treasury. As this person will more than likely be a Democrat the progression to a France like socialist nation will be inevitable.
My biggest fear is that conservatives in Washington today believe that this is the wave of the future. They will start to pander to the people by offering the very same liberal policies that we have fought so hard against. Nothing infuriates me more than seeing all of these "conservatives," crying about the election saying that we lost because we aren't liberal enough. Saying that we need to become MORE liberal in order to get elected. Are you nuts? You really believe this while you sit there and call yourself conservative? This is NOT a center-left country, it is most certainly center-right, and if you don't agree with that then please go sign your name to the Dem list. As we distinguish ourselves from the socialist left over the next four years we must go back to our conservative roots. We must re-establish our values of financial responsibility and find our own super stars that will bring the TRUE conservative message to the masses. Once people see what they really voted for and start to experience it's implications they will realize that capitalism, free markets, and essentially the conservative movement is the only answer for a prosperous country.
Let us please remember that it was "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Not , "Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you."
Let us also remember that once you give the government the power to give you everything, you give it the power to take everything away.
I'm Drew D. and that's the truth.

1 comment:

Mark Floden said...

Go Drew..
I am too busy tonight with study I am supposed to be doing online.. So I just read a few paragraphs..
You are not the only conservative around Drew. But seriously we as conservatives have a big job ahead.. all the best in your efforts